Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hump day, hump day

Its a chilly, windy Wednesday morning, and rather than go to work, I'd love to stay here, go back to bed, cuddle with Chintu, sleep, watch movies, whatever...but, on a positive note, it IS Wednesday, what most people refer to as hump day...yay! For me, this week, it is Friday. I took tomorrow off from work for my birthday ironic choice, since tomorrow IS my birthday. Most days I don't feel my age. Many mornings, yeah, I do. Oh well. Feces occurreth!

If, by chance, you are from the Marietta or Athens, Ohio, areas, and don't already know, check out the Evergreen Arts and Humanities Series' webpage in my links section, because tomorrow night we present "Ragamala" an Asian Indian dance troup. It is going to be awesome!

I decded to include this picture of an adorable Corgi pup because he reminded me of something that happened to me several years back. I was entering a store and saw a pretty good looking guy coming out through the store's foyer...was kind of scoping him out....when I realized that it was actually my own reflection. Now, had it not been a rite of passage of sorts for me, I would never have told anyone. But, since it was significant for me, a guy who has always struggled with his own self-image and seen himself as, at the very least, mediocre looking, it was an eye opener....maybe I'm "not" so hard on the eyes....

May all who read not only have peace and love in your life, but may you also have your own self image raised...perhaps even through such a humorous event!


Anonymous said...

Well, and haven't I been telling you for years that you are gorgeous?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday a day ahead of time...And FYI: You ain't hard on anybody's eyes, Millard! You'z a handsome feller! Enjoy the day off tomorrow and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon / evening...