When was the last time that your emotions were stirred like vegetables in a blender? I love movies that do that to me. I just told Chintu that I love movies which grab my emotions AND make me think. Bombay, made in 1995, does just that. Read what Netflix says to describe it:
"Tackling the controversial subject of a cross-cultural love affair, writer-director
Mani Ratnam's film personifies Hindu-Muslim racial tensions. A south Indian Hindu man marries a Muslim woman, and the couple soon bears twin boys and moves to Bombay. The family is separated during the early 1990s -- a turbulent time when racial tensions were high in the area -- and the parents must search hospitals, morgues and shelters for their children."
If you have never seen this movie, it is, in my opinion, a MUST SEE. It is 130 minutes long, and rivals some American made musicals with respect to having a song for everything, but, oh....SO worth watching.
How is it that most of humanity's conflicts, wars, and loss of life stems from disagreements about religion? Yes, this might have taken place off in a distant land, (for some of us, anyway, and "home" for others...Chintu), and it might be Hindus and Muslims in conflict, but, you know what, I can see the potential for the same thing happening here in America between various "Christian" denominations if the conditions became right. No, you say? It has gone on in Ireland between Protestant and Catholic "brothers" for years. I've heard people right here in the good ole U S of A demonstrate hate toward those of another denomination, perhaps enough, given the right fuel and conditions, to kill. Well, I've rambled on my soapbox long enough. If you have not seen "Bombay", I encourage you to do so as soon as you can get it in your DVD player.
Peace, real peace, and love, true love to all who read my ponderings here!