Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heading towards the weekend...Yay!

Thursday is waning away...I'm on my third glass of wine...imagine that! Just wanted to say that I can't wait til I get to see Chintu tomorrow night... We're going to an event at OU, actually as part of a group from WSCC's Opportunity Scholars Program, then I'm spending the weekend at his place. Here's a recent pic of Chintu and myself with my great friend, Craig, in his US Polo Ass shirt...hehe (inside joke for some of us). We were celebrating Craigie's birthday. (T is such the photographer!) How about that sexy goatee on Chintu? Eh?
Have a great weekend, beloved friends!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A great "hump day" poster

I received an email from a wonderful friend from the EAHS committee, Jackie Miner. She is doing UNBELIEVABLE things with and for the Foundation at Marietta Memorial Hospital... In the email was a great poster that I HAVE to share! Enjoy, and enjoy this beautiful (so far) Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sunny Monday afternoon

Well, after a great weekend, it's back to "the grind" for my final quarter at WSCC. This is going to be a busy quarter for me. So far I think I'll enjoy all my classes even though a couple of them might be pretty intense. I'm also doing my 3rd and final practicum for my degree, back at EVE, Inc. (Visit EVE's website through my Links section). Still in love, life is good, knee is maybe getting a little better. I saw an orthopede on Friday and he basically told me to take care of it and if it didn't improve I'd probably be facing surgery, probably to work on or remove the meniscus. I'm trying to take care of it. Tanya is working on it every few days, (massage and Reiki) which seems to help a lot. Chintu is also massaging it when we can (ain't he sweet?). Saturday night he made Chicken Curry with "the salad" for us and a small group of friends out at the farm...and it was FABULOUS (OMG that sounded gay)...hehe. Here is another picture of my handsome guy!
I'm so glad spring is here, hopefully to stay?!!! Peace and love to all who read here!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How time flies...

Well, it's been a time does fly! I have been busy and then lazy since my last ramblings on here. College finals occupied some of my mind and time, Chintu a lot of it, and I finally got to see my BEAUTIFUL and talented daughter, Sarah. I added her My Space to my links. Here's a picture I took a few months ago, around Christmas, actually....

I finally gave in and went on Monday afternoon to have my knee looked the ER... I was 'fortunate' enough to get to see a Physician's Assistant there...and he put me on crutches and in a leg brace until I get to see an orthopedic specialist. The earliest appointment I could get is this Friday morning... Chintu thinks it's ligament damage...sigh. Guess we'll see...

I am farm-sitting, which is, as you probably know, one of my most favorite places. Tanya got to see her grandma yesterday and she was good but couldn't hear much...
Chintu had to go home last night to be in the lab today, tomorrow, and Friday. It seems weird here without him now. I miss him soooo bad. (I love you, baby,.....smooooooochummmmas!)

This morning I went to my practicum site for this coming quarter (it starts on Monday), EVE, Incorporated, here in Marietta. It is the local domestic violence shelter. I did my first practicum there and love the place. I already had deep respect for their work, since I went there for counseling for 8 or 9 months.

More later...ya'all ive in peace and contentment.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunny Thursday

Well, it is another beautiful day, but MUCH different than yesterday with its snowing and blowing. Today the sun is BRIGHT and beautiful and the snow is completely gone. It's the kind of day that makes one expect to see crocuses or even daffodils! The quarter is almost over...just a few more days, a few more projects, a few more tests...finals...then SPRING BREAK! Yahoo! Oh, by the way, I'm not the only one this great Maxine applies to....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A BEAUTIFUL, snowy Wednesday

Wow, as I sit here, looking out the office window at the gently accumulating pure white snow, a few thoughts come to mind.

First, I wish that Chintu was here...and think back to a few nights ago when we stood in his kitchen window, me behind him with my arms wrapped around him, silently watching the falling snow, hearing one another's breath, and enjoying a sacred moment.

Second, I think of the farm - Tanya, Eliza, and Sammy's home...which is "home" to myself and to so many others...a precious place, a sacred place, a place of peace and wonder...a place where when I turn down the driveway, I breathe a sigh of relief that says, "home"....(I "borrowed" the picture of the farm in snow from T's blog).

Third, as much as I long for spring, I recognize the beauty that is winter and am reminded of the quick passage of time.

Fourth, combining the other thoughts, I would love to be at the farm, cuddling with Chintu in front of the fire, present with the farm family...(maybe drinking a little wine and eating some homemade soup) THAT would be living!
Love to all who read my ramblings today....

Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Monday

Well, the week is off to a good start. I came home from Athens in time to make my 11 a.m. class. It was a wonderful weekend. Chintu and I spent a lot of quality time together, including a lot of deep conversation. He showed me pictures and videos from India. Today was the second meeting of our Diversity Club here at Washington State Community College. We have a lot of exciting things that we want to do. This afternoon the steering committe for the college's 35th anniversary is meeting. Actually, I'm going to be late if I'm not careful! Peace to all who read here!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Well, it's a beautiful morning in Athens...our committment today is to h o m e w o r k. Can you sense the excitement in our "voices"? On a light note, however, someone forwarded this to me, and since I hang around several "middle aged" women (for whom I have GREAT respect, partly because they are able to "laugh at themselves"), I could really appreciate the humor in it... here it goes:

I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be . . . Puhleeeeeeeze! I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you. Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck), you'll probably relate.

  • Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.

  • In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wing spans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.
  • Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around. Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.
  • Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too."
  • Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.
  • Mid-life is when you look at your know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: "For this I have stretch marks?" In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water.
  • Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map ofWisconsin .
  • Mid-life means that you become more reflective . . You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?
  • But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now, for the body you had way back when? Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New pics

Well, here are a couple of pictures we took this evening...

The start of a G R E A T weekend

Well, I arrived at Chintu's in Athens late last night and we have had a glorious Saturday. After sleeping in a bit, and having breakfast, we went grocery shopping. Then he took me to the local Indian restaurant, which I enjoyed. After eating, a nap seemed in order. When we awoke, it had snowed a bit and it was beautiful. This evening I got to chat online (with a webcam) with his beautiful sister, Chaithu, who lives near London, England. It felt like I have known her always. As we chatted, we talked about how she and Chintu miss one another, and, of course, this big bawlbaby ended up getting teary-eyed. We just finished eating some of what was not my best ever chili, but it wasn't bad, either. (The important thing is HE enjoyed it!) Now, we both need to become productive in academic endeavors...sigh. (how about the pic of him in the lab at OU?)

Friday, March 02, 2007

BEAUTIFUL Friday afternoon...

It is an ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, sunny (albeit extremely windy) Friday afternoon here in Marietta. I am tying up some things in the office, making sure I have everything I need to get a LOT accomplished this weekend in finishing up my homework for the quarter. Shortly, I'm heading out to the farm to hang out with T for a bit. Then, I will go home to pack a few things and rest a while in anticipation of heading to Athens late tonight. First though, I get to make popcorn to serve after the River City Film Series movie tonight (take a peek -

The prospect of spending the weekend with Chintu at his apartment is keeping me smiling. We both have TONS to do for school, but we enjoy just being in the same room, both working on our separate endeavors. I trust that much happiness is showered on all who read my ramblings! (T took the pictures of Chintu and I and of Hendrix the cat on February 11.)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here we are...Tom and Chintu

Well, it seems I couldn't wait. Tanya emailed me this picture she took of us Sunday at the farm...and commented on this picture capturing what she sees in our spirits. When I asked him about posting his picture on here, he said, "I would LOVE to have my picture on your blog!" I asked his permission to use his name,but am waiting a while for more personal information on him. Isn't he adorable? Look at this one of him by himself from last summer....

Starting over: my blog and more!

Wow! I had to delete all of my former blog postings because so much of it is no longer relevant. I am almost through with my WINTER quarter at Washington State Community College and will finish in the spring. Graduation...scary thought, but exciting! Also, the young man that I had previously written about who was so important to me has now transitioned his way out of my home, but not out of my life. In October our relationship changed from a romantic one to a platonic one. We remain friends and I find myself more of an older brother or father figure to him now. When he moved into his own place early in January I sent him forth, wishing him happiness, love, and wonder throughout his life!

On a more current note... I have met an amazing man. We have been dating for several weeks now and he is beyond wonderful. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he makes me think, he makes me happy. (thanks and ummmmmmmmas to him). More about life, and about him, later. For now, homework and income tax returns are calling my name. (OH, the above picture was taken last Thursday after one of our wonderful Evergreen Arts and Humanities events, the Thoissane Dance Troupe performance, standing in the window of the soundroom in Graham Auditorium.)