Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's been a LONG time comin'!

Yes, this is Christmas red. Yes, it has been six months (plus) since I've posted. Yes, the space is the same but the name has changed. Yes, the picture has changed. And yes, a lot has changed in my life since I've updated. In August, Chintu and I moved in together, in a house in Athens. Athens? Yes, because it is important for him to be close to the lab for his PhD research. Not in town, but only 1.5 miles off 4-lane Route 33, and "just" off of Route 550. Decent house, great amount of space, great garden spot, large, almost completely level yard. I'm in the process of changing positions at work, from Children's Program Coordinator to a combination position. I'll be filling the recently vacated part-time position of Donations, Volunteer, and Interns Coordinator, in addition to a newly-created position which, so far, is being called Shelter Assistant. That will be a combination Administrative Assistant type of position/Maintenance Man. I'll be designing and redesigning forms and documentation, along with getting those filed forms in order on our "server", or "share drive"...I'll help with scheduling and other duties as needed to assist our overworked Shelter Director, who is also Co-Executive Director of EVE, Inc., along with performing minor routine maintenance In the other position, I'll oversee incoming donations and coordinate/oversee the work of our varous Interns and Volunteers. I'm really excited about this pending change, but, since we have not hired my replacement for the Children's Program, it will be a slow transition with me working in both jobs as much as possible. Since I've already been doing some of the duties of the newly created position, it won't be too much of an adjustment. Chintu continues his research at OU. He recently had me accompany him on a trip to Philadelphia, PA to the Annual Meeting of the Epilepsy Foundation. It was a nice aside for me and he was able to accomplish some beneficial networking. Christmas was great...our first together, and his first with a Christmas tree and a "real" Christmas dinner. Since one of our vegetarian friends joined us for dinner, Chintu added a DELICIOUS Chickpea Curry to the vegetable offerings of our meal. I told him that, whether he realized it or not, he had just created a totally new Christmas tradition, since we now HAVE to have Chickpea Curry as a part of our Christmas meal! Here is our tree, and Chintu with our other tree...

Yesterday, Chintu and I went to visit Sarah. This was their first meeting, and I think it went pretty well. My princess has been rather relunctant to meet my past partners, but who could resist someone who makes her daddy so happy? Here's a picture of Sarah and I yesterday! Isn't she beautiful?

I promise I'll try to stay current with my blog now that I've gotten "started over". May all who read experience a magical and joyful New Year, filled with love, laughter, and true happiness!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Maters, Taters, and Beans

Chintu and I replanted some of our beans that didn't make it and ran the tiller through the rows. Chintu had his first experience running a rototiller and he done good! We've laughed and played and sweated and had a great day catching up a few things at the farm. Beans are blooming, maters are blooming and starting to form, and the taters....well the taters are trying. More New York pics later, but for now here are a couple recent ones from the farm....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back From the Big Apple

Howdy! I was fortunate again this year to be one of the winners of the annual big trip with the Opportunity Scholars Program at Washington State Community College. This year the trip was to Philadelphia and New York City. Chintu was able to accompany me on the trip, which made it perfect in spite of a bus driver and a tour director that were not so proficient at their jobs. I decided (with some extra prompting from Chintu) that it was my vacation and probably our only chance to do anything like that this year so I was NOT going to be my typical self and get bent out of shape over things that really don't matter. So, when we got lost numerous times and had our schedule changed even more. Oh, well! We still had a great time...walking around in Phillie in the area of the Liberty Bell, seeing local gay couples walking down the street holding hands...we felt right at home. Actually arriving in New York City via a ferry from New Jersey, having lunch on a deck at a 3rd floor Latin restaurant on the South Street Seaport, shopping in Chinatown, kissing in Central Park, lying in the sun on a rock in a slightly secluded area of the park, photographing the sky and ourselves, (see today's posted pictures), photographing one another, then, getting caught in the rain in Central romantic is THAT? We had a few hours to hang out with Chintu's medical school friend, Murali and his lovely wife, Sradha, and they took us out to eat at a high class Indian restaurant....YUM! We arrived home yesterday morning after riding all night, slept a lot yesterday, stopped in at the farm to check on the garden, and headed to Athens. Peace and love to all who read!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday morning

At the farm, sure am missing Chintu... Should have been out in the garden early, but I stayed up too late goofing off... Beautiful, albeit overcast, day here. Headed to the garden, but I ran across some pics I hadn't saved and thought I'd share two or three...
Have an exquisite day, all!

Relaxing on the porch at the farm....

T and I at the WSCC Student and Alumni Art Exhibit opening

And Craig, Chintu, and me when we celebrated Craig's birthday!

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Well, it's early Saturday afternoon...a beautiful day in Athens! I heard some RAIN during the night, not sure how much yet... Heading outside soon to find out. One of my old addictions cropped up yesterday evening, resulting in Chintu having a nice wooded kitchen table...hehe...yes, I've been dumpster diving again! I'm so proud! Hehe....

Lots to do yet to finish up the quarter, but, as T says, "slow and steady wins the race"... I'll get it done. Finishing papers, looking for work, thinking about a place for Chintu and I to move that would make us happy and be affordable... Actually have a good job lead, just not sure it's what I want to do...sigh...decisions, decisions.... Well, I will be heading back to the farm this evening. T flew out to San Antonio this morning for an annual grading thing she does there... Really looking forward to a week at the farm, but hating to cut my time here with my wonderful partner short, though. He's still...simply amazing! Ya'all have a good weekend, good luck to those still writing papers and studying for finals....and peace and love to all. Oh, I decided I needed to add a photo today and don't have anything new to share, so I copped this one from the web....

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How time flies...

Wow! How time flies when you're busier than a one-armed paper-hanger! It's been over a month since I've taken time to ramble here. The end-of-the-last-quarter-of-college craziness has set in. Time is scarce and precious, but time spent with Chintu is still precious in a different and wonderful way. He is simply an amazing man, with whom I am so glad to share the time we can both coordinate.
Tanya and Patricia threw me a graduation party last Friday evening at the farm (even though my actual graduation is not until June 8). About 15 of us came together to celebrate and Craig, Patricia, Tanya, and Chintu shared some beautiful words. I received some great greeting cards and some unbelievable gifts. Thank you, all! Thank you, Tanya, for hosting the party. Thank you, Patricia for everything, including "the good chicken". Thank you, Kathy, for the adorable cake. Thank you, everyone who attended, for making it a special evening.

Saturday evening was the Evergreen Arts and Humanities Series committee annual picnic. Unfortunately, a lot of members had schedule conflicts, but the few committee members who did make it had a marvelous, laid back time. Thank you, Chintu, for being there with us.

I am trying to maintain some semblance of sanity (no rude comments, ok?) while I finish up this quarter. With papers still to write and an extensive portfolio to compile, the next week or so will definitely remain busy.

Anywho, just wanted to take a couple minutes to breathe and ramble...thanks for reading. Peace!

Here's a pic T took of me and my handsome partner

at the party and one of he and T!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Great weekend, busy week!

Wow, it’s been a busy week already. Productive, but busy. (That’s why I’m just posting about the weekend on Wednesday, and I am sure this will be my longest post to date.)

Last weekend was simply phenomenal. I arrived in Athens early Friday evening and Chintu and I went to eat at Casa Lopez...not the best Mexican, by any means, but it was made better by being with him. Then we went shopping at Wal Mart. Now, I know some of you are thinking, wow, what excitement...but, let me tell you that I’ve never shopped with anyone and enjoyed it any more than with him. It just feels good; it feels right.

Saturday, I worked on homework while he cleaned house. Then we fixed a wonderful Indian recipe that my friends Kathy, Molly, and Valerie gave us, but we found some things missing and fixed that by searching online. It is called Chicken Kandapuri (I won’t post here what Chintu said Kandapura means in his native tongue. His is not the area of India this dish hails from, so it probably means something different in the language of its home area.) The meal was good, spicy for me, but delicious.

Saturday night we went out to Casa Nueva with our beautiful gal pals Kathy and Reena. The band, The Royales, were as good as Kathy had said, and, let me tell you, I have not danced that much in over 25 years. It was a blast. I’m finally learning (still learning, but making progress) to dance like no one is watching!!!!!! It’s a good feeling. Amazingly, Chintu and I danced not only with the girls, as a group, but alone, as well, even slow dancing on one song.

Sunday afternoon, after again spending the morning working on homework, we went for a hike around Dow Lake, starting at Stroud’s Run park. It was wonderful, beautiful, invigorating, and EXHAUSTING! We weren’t sure how long Lake View Trail was, but I found out online late that night that the lake has 7 miles of shoreline. The trail follows pretty close, but when I realized that we had hiked a little over 7 miles, I really felt tired. Still it was amazingly wonderful. I grew up playing and walking in the woods, so I love it. And being with Chintu, pointing out various plants and trees that I knew, him talking about similar plants and trees they have in India, stopping to sit a spell and enjoy the sandwiches and macaroni salad we had made to bring with us, sitting and talking afterward, stealing an occasional kiss...all made for a wonderful day!

Here is one of the many streams that feed Dow Lake

Chintu in a bed of bluebells

Chintu on Lake View Trail
Looking at the lake

Monday brought me back to a more mundane reality though, as I headed back to Marietta and on to EVE. I was able to secure a location, thereby setting a time and date for the focus group I will be conducting for my project there. I cannot believe my final quarter is halfway over this week. The future is a bit scary, being uncertain and unknown, but I am happily looking forward to graduation. Friends Tanya and Patricia are planning a graduation party for me at the farm. It should be a blast! Speaking of the farm,
Monday evening I went out to run the tiller through the big garden (versus the several smaller garden beds T has around the barn and silo). I decided that I should mow it off first, so I got the tractor and started doing just that. However, something went awry, as it stopped about halfway through the first trip around the garden. I started it and it died. I started it again and it died again. Then it dawned on me...out of diesel? Sure enough, it was. Frustrated with myself for not checking that and filling it up before I left the garage with it, I trudged back up the hill to get the can of diesel T keeps for the tractor. I got back to the garage and picked it up...unfortunately I picked it up all too easily - it was empty! I went in the house and T figured out the problem from the look on my face. She suggested we fix dinner, eat, and then go get diesel, to which I hungrily and readily agreed. She made (and I, just dated myself, and those of you who also heard that commercial in your head from some thirty or more years ago, did as well!) a wonderful vegetarian taco meal. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was...delicious, as a matter of fact! Off to get diesel we went after dinner. As we drove back onto the farm, T asked if I thought she could drive her car down to the garden. Knowing there were some really wet spots between the barn and the garden, I expressed some doubt. We came to the first of the really, really wet spots and we sat and surveyed the situation. T hopped out of the car and walked down to inspect the degree of wetness and muddiness. As she walked back toward the car, with her head down, grinning and slightly shaking her head, I knew what she was going to do. I told her I wouldn’t tell her to do it or not to do it, but I was there either way. She put the car in gear and hit the gas. Zoooooom! Through that mudhole we went...down through the field...and zooooooooom, through the second mudhole, through the fenceline and up through the second field Mario...uh I mean Tanya went. She shined the lights of the car on the tractor as I filled the tank and started it up. I decided since the tractor has headlights to go ahead and mow the garden off. I watched as she drove out of the field, through the fenceline and back UP the second field toward the second mudhole (oh, did I fail to mention that this all took place on a fairly steep grade?) I sat and watched, thinking that she had “more guts” than me...(ok, ok, I really thought she had bigger balls) drive her car through all that mud in the dark. I laughed and laughed to myself as I finished mowing. Then, when I finished, instead of going up and getting her to drive the tractor back up to the house while I took the tiller up, I operated in my typical “don’t want to bother someone to do something I can do myself” mindset that I am still trying to overcome. I would take the tiller a distance in the light from the headlights of the tractor, then go move the tractor closer and move the tiller farther. I realized that it was a fairly brightly moonlit night, so I took the tiller the rest of the way to the bottom of the barn and put it away. Then I walked back down to get the tractor.
This is where I learned (again) that I should indeed “impose” on others for help. As I walked back down the hill to get the tractor, suddenly my left ankle turned. It didn’t just turn a little. It turned completely sideway. Ouch! (That’s NOT what I said at the moment.) I was sure I had stepped on a rock and it threw me sideways. However, after limping my way to the tractor, as I drove it back up over the hill, I realized that I had actually hit the edge of a deep rut. It hurt like crazy, but as T and I both examined it, we felt safe nothing was broken. I wasn’t so sure when the pain woke me up at 2 in the morning, but now, as it continues to heal, I feel safe that it was just a sprain.
Yesterday afternoon, between my Introduction to Ethics class and my Strength Training class at the Y, I got over half of the garden tilled. The rest of it was too wet, and, as I sit here typing this and listening to the rain, having heard that the forecast promises rain today and tomorrow, I don’t know when I’ll get it finished. After I left to go to my class, Tanya planted some things in the smaller beds. That is soooo exciting. Soon, we’ll have greens, lettuce, and green onions! Gardening is so much fun.
It is already Wednesday morning, and I took the first part of the morning to rest and write this and catch up the dishes. Now I’m off to shower and trudge out through the rain. Strike that, I’m going to enjoy walking through the rain, not just get wet!
Peace and love to all who read here today!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring...finally...for real?

Well, if appearances, the temperature, and the amount of pollen in the air are any indication, perhaps spring is finally here....yay! It is 55 and sunny in Athens this morning, supposed to get up to 76 today and 79 tomorrow...sounds like spring, doesn't it?

I should have written about this sooner (I'm sorry, Chintu for not doing so...)

On a REALLY high, happy note, Chintu found out last week that the paper he co-wrote with his adviser about his experiments is being's that for impressive? The paper is titled "Fluorescence Imaging Study of Extracellular Zinc at the Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapse" and it will be published in "Neuroscience Letters". (I'll let ya'all know when!)

Then, this week, he attended the Distinguished Osteopathic Commitment Awards dinner hosted by Sigma Sigma Phi and Student Government on behalf of the OU-COM student body where he was AGAIN (second consecutive year) named as Outstanding Tutor for his TA work in PCC I. Looks like his students love and appreciate him, huh?

CONGRATULATIONS to you, Chintu, on both accomplishments! I love you and am SO proud of you!
These pictures are from the OU website ....which are not always there, because the pictures Indian man, hard at work!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I went to Athens Tuesday night to visit the opening of Elissa Cox's Graduate Ceramics Thesis Exhibition: Erratic Swellings, although the OU website still lists it as "Erotic Swellings". (I won't go there....hehe.) ( Here is a pic of me in front of one of my favorite parts of the exhibit. >>>

Chintu then fixed me a wonderful meal consisting of green beans, rice, and yogurt...delicious, as always.


I trust everyone is well, happy, and healthy as you read!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Great Weekend

On Friday evening I didn’t leave WSCC until about 6:30, having worked with our PR gal to get some posters printed for some upcoming EAHS events, so we could have them on display at our Storytelling Festival on Saturday evening. Chintu arrived within an hour of my arriving home; I met him at the door with a green apple martini, and we spent a lazy Friday night at home after enjoying a nice basil pesto pizza for dinner. (Thanks to T for introducing us to that scrumptious fare!)

Saturday, after a late breakfast, became an errand day for me, while Chintu worked on some academic endeavors. I had to be on campus at 4:30 to meet one of our storytellers, actually the magician who was our emcee and entertainer. It was an unbelievably fun evening, although we didn’t get out of there til about 10:30.

Sunday morning found us at the farm with Tanya for brunch with Michael Burnham, one of our storytellers, his wife, Eliza and her hunny, Matt, Sherm and Beth Koons and Sue Kerns. I found out on our way to the farm that Chintu missed being at home in India to celebrate Vishu (a combination New Year’s, spring, and thanksgiving type of celebration as I understand it), I did the only thing anyone could do and did modified (very modified) version of it for him at the farm. I gathered some fruits and vegetables and flowers in a bowl, lit a candle, and lead him to its location with my hands over his eyes. It didn’t completely heal his heart from missing home, but I think it helped... Then Tanya asked him to sing a song as we sat down to eat. He chose to sing an excerpt from one of his late grandfather’s original songs (I’ll have to tell you about his grandfather some day soon, an amazing man.) Some of us around the table were moved to tears, and I’d say everyone was impressed. (He is simply amazing!) Then, pancakes, fruit, and champagne for wonderful company...what a treat!

On Sunday night, we, along with Tanya, were privileged to participate in celebrating the 90th birthday of Mimi, the darling momma of Abby Hayhurst, the director of the Parkersburg Art Center. It was a gala event, with a huge crowd gathered at the Six Pence Pub in Parkersburg for music, hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and an enjoyable meal. Mimi was so adorable as always!

Monday morning found us saying a sad temporary goodbye as Chintu headed for Athens and I head to EVE to work some practicum hours. That afternoon, I accompanied my practicum supervisor, Michelle, to conduct a girls group she is facilitating at Waterford Elementary. It was a good place to be.

I hope everyone’s life is as full, fun, and exciting as mine! Sometimes I complain (all too frequently) about my financial condition, my minor aches and pains (the knee is getting progressively stronger and better), and other things that, in the big picture, do not amount to a pinch of ....snuff. (To borrow a modified phrase from mom.) I have relatively good health, I don’t go hungry, I have a decent enough place to live, I have wonderful friends, a beautiful daughter, lots of good memories of my life’s experiences (to hell with the bad ones, except that I have learned and grown from them), and an amazing boyfriend! I’m blessed beyond measure!

Here’s a picture of the group at the farm Sunday morning! Enjoy! Peace, love, health and prosperity to all who read this...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wonderful rainy hump day

Howdy, folks! I made an overnighter to Athens last night to see Chintu...missed him terribly (and I think he missed me, as well...hehe). Raining hard outside...headed off to yoga class with T.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Post Easter Happy Easter!

Well, I didn't take time to post a Happy Easter Happy Easter to all! It was a wonderful weekend. We spent Friday evening with my friend Kathy, her sons, and her friend, Beth at Kathy's. We had a wonderful meal and a great visit! It was good to see Beth and the boys, Seth and Zack. Maybe Seth should pursue a culinary career...who knows! Saturday we kinda lazed around...T joined us for a couple of really informal meals in between her running errands. Then Sunday I got up and made Tiramisu and we joined Tanya and Doctor Tom at the farm, where we colored eggs before dinner. (Doesn't Chintu look adorable in his first egg-coloring experience?) After an awesome lamb, rice, and (get this) fried collard greens (OMG were they delicious), with the Tiramisu for dessert, we sat around the fire and (shock, shock) drank champagne. The afternoon was delightful, if a bit chilly. I hope everyone's Easter celebration was as satisfying as ours. Peace and love to all who read!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Wonderful evening, but something is in the air

Well, it was an absolutely beautiful day, and it's been a great evening. I'm sitting on my front porch, using some poor unaware soul's wireless internet. (shhhhhhh, those who know and who know about me sitting here, too)....
I guess the weather is to change, even overnight, and possibly take away the sights of spring that we are now enjoying....sigh. Well, as promised, here are a couple of the pics from the back porch at the farm, taken last night...
Peace, joy, and love to all who read!


Well, it's a glorious day today, weatherwise, but the weatherman says not to get too attached to it.... Had a wonderful weekend with Chintu...the show Friday night at OU was good, the music was really good. Saturday night I got to meet his friend Reena, who is also from India and also a doctoral student at OU. She is sweet and very beautiful. Sunday he and I took his rollerblades and my bike to the bike path in Athens, then later went for a walk at Dow Lake. What a beautiful day it was, and, good news: my knee is seeming to consistently improve...slowly, but surely!

Chintu has a paper in the process of getting, he is not only an extremely hot, intelligent man, but now he's about to be a world famous writer....congrats on that, baby!

Last night Tanya and I watched an extraordinary sunset and took what we hope will turn out to be some good pictures...if so I'll share them later on. Peace and love to all who read here today! May you find wonder in small things, like our feline friend in today's photo!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heading towards the weekend...Yay!

Thursday is waning away...I'm on my third glass of wine...imagine that! Just wanted to say that I can't wait til I get to see Chintu tomorrow night... We're going to an event at OU, actually as part of a group from WSCC's Opportunity Scholars Program, then I'm spending the weekend at his place. Here's a recent pic of Chintu and myself with my great friend, Craig, in his US Polo Ass shirt...hehe (inside joke for some of us). We were celebrating Craigie's birthday. (T is such the photographer!) How about that sexy goatee on Chintu? Eh?
Have a great weekend, beloved friends!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A great "hump day" poster

I received an email from a wonderful friend from the EAHS committee, Jackie Miner. She is doing UNBELIEVABLE things with and for the Foundation at Marietta Memorial Hospital... In the email was a great poster that I HAVE to share! Enjoy, and enjoy this beautiful (so far) Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sunny Monday afternoon

Well, after a great weekend, it's back to "the grind" for my final quarter at WSCC. This is going to be a busy quarter for me. So far I think I'll enjoy all my classes even though a couple of them might be pretty intense. I'm also doing my 3rd and final practicum for my degree, back at EVE, Inc. (Visit EVE's website through my Links section). Still in love, life is good, knee is maybe getting a little better. I saw an orthopede on Friday and he basically told me to take care of it and if it didn't improve I'd probably be facing surgery, probably to work on or remove the meniscus. I'm trying to take care of it. Tanya is working on it every few days, (massage and Reiki) which seems to help a lot. Chintu is also massaging it when we can (ain't he sweet?). Saturday night he made Chicken Curry with "the salad" for us and a small group of friends out at the farm...and it was FABULOUS (OMG that sounded gay)...hehe. Here is another picture of my handsome guy!
I'm so glad spring is here, hopefully to stay?!!! Peace and love to all who read here!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How time flies...

Well, it's been a time does fly! I have been busy and then lazy since my last ramblings on here. College finals occupied some of my mind and time, Chintu a lot of it, and I finally got to see my BEAUTIFUL and talented daughter, Sarah. I added her My Space to my links. Here's a picture I took a few months ago, around Christmas, actually....

I finally gave in and went on Monday afternoon to have my knee looked the ER... I was 'fortunate' enough to get to see a Physician's Assistant there...and he put me on crutches and in a leg brace until I get to see an orthopedic specialist. The earliest appointment I could get is this Friday morning... Chintu thinks it's ligament damage...sigh. Guess we'll see...

I am farm-sitting, which is, as you probably know, one of my most favorite places. Tanya got to see her grandma yesterday and she was good but couldn't hear much...
Chintu had to go home last night to be in the lab today, tomorrow, and Friday. It seems weird here without him now. I miss him soooo bad. (I love you, baby,.....smooooooochummmmas!)

This morning I went to my practicum site for this coming quarter (it starts on Monday), EVE, Incorporated, here in Marietta. It is the local domestic violence shelter. I did my first practicum there and love the place. I already had deep respect for their work, since I went there for counseling for 8 or 9 months.

More later...ya'all ive in peace and contentment.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunny Thursday

Well, it is another beautiful day, but MUCH different than yesterday with its snowing and blowing. Today the sun is BRIGHT and beautiful and the snow is completely gone. It's the kind of day that makes one expect to see crocuses or even daffodils! The quarter is almost over...just a few more days, a few more projects, a few more tests...finals...then SPRING BREAK! Yahoo! Oh, by the way, I'm not the only one this great Maxine applies to....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A BEAUTIFUL, snowy Wednesday

Wow, as I sit here, looking out the office window at the gently accumulating pure white snow, a few thoughts come to mind.

First, I wish that Chintu was here...and think back to a few nights ago when we stood in his kitchen window, me behind him with my arms wrapped around him, silently watching the falling snow, hearing one another's breath, and enjoying a sacred moment.

Second, I think of the farm - Tanya, Eliza, and Sammy's home...which is "home" to myself and to so many others...a precious place, a sacred place, a place of peace and wonder...a place where when I turn down the driveway, I breathe a sigh of relief that says, "home"....(I "borrowed" the picture of the farm in snow from T's blog).

Third, as much as I long for spring, I recognize the beauty that is winter and am reminded of the quick passage of time.

Fourth, combining the other thoughts, I would love to be at the farm, cuddling with Chintu in front of the fire, present with the farm family...(maybe drinking a little wine and eating some homemade soup) THAT would be living!
Love to all who read my ramblings today....

Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Monday

Well, the week is off to a good start. I came home from Athens in time to make my 11 a.m. class. It was a wonderful weekend. Chintu and I spent a lot of quality time together, including a lot of deep conversation. He showed me pictures and videos from India. Today was the second meeting of our Diversity Club here at Washington State Community College. We have a lot of exciting things that we want to do. This afternoon the steering committe for the college's 35th anniversary is meeting. Actually, I'm going to be late if I'm not careful! Peace to all who read here!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Well, it's a beautiful morning in Athens...our committment today is to h o m e w o r k. Can you sense the excitement in our "voices"? On a light note, however, someone forwarded this to me, and since I hang around several "middle aged" women (for whom I have GREAT respect, partly because they are able to "laugh at themselves"), I could really appreciate the humor in it... here it goes:

I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be . . . Puhleeeeeeeze! I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you. Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck), you'll probably relate.

  • Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.

  • In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wing spans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.
  • Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around. Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.
  • Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too."
  • Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.
  • Mid-life is when you look at your know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: "For this I have stretch marks?" In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water.
  • Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map ofWisconsin .
  • Mid-life means that you become more reflective . . You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?
  • But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now, for the body you had way back when? Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New pics

Well, here are a couple of pictures we took this evening...

The start of a G R E A T weekend

Well, I arrived at Chintu's in Athens late last night and we have had a glorious Saturday. After sleeping in a bit, and having breakfast, we went grocery shopping. Then he took me to the local Indian restaurant, which I enjoyed. After eating, a nap seemed in order. When we awoke, it had snowed a bit and it was beautiful. This evening I got to chat online (with a webcam) with his beautiful sister, Chaithu, who lives near London, England. It felt like I have known her always. As we chatted, we talked about how she and Chintu miss one another, and, of course, this big bawlbaby ended up getting teary-eyed. We just finished eating some of what was not my best ever chili, but it wasn't bad, either. (The important thing is HE enjoyed it!) Now, we both need to become productive in academic endeavors...sigh. (how about the pic of him in the lab at OU?)

Friday, March 02, 2007

BEAUTIFUL Friday afternoon...

It is an ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, sunny (albeit extremely windy) Friday afternoon here in Marietta. I am tying up some things in the office, making sure I have everything I need to get a LOT accomplished this weekend in finishing up my homework for the quarter. Shortly, I'm heading out to the farm to hang out with T for a bit. Then, I will go home to pack a few things and rest a while in anticipation of heading to Athens late tonight. First though, I get to make popcorn to serve after the River City Film Series movie tonight (take a peek -

The prospect of spending the weekend with Chintu at his apartment is keeping me smiling. We both have TONS to do for school, but we enjoy just being in the same room, both working on our separate endeavors. I trust that much happiness is showered on all who read my ramblings! (T took the pictures of Chintu and I and of Hendrix the cat on February 11.)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here we are...Tom and Chintu

Well, it seems I couldn't wait. Tanya emailed me this picture she took of us Sunday at the farm...and commented on this picture capturing what she sees in our spirits. When I asked him about posting his picture on here, he said, "I would LOVE to have my picture on your blog!" I asked his permission to use his name,but am waiting a while for more personal information on him. Isn't he adorable? Look at this one of him by himself from last summer....

Starting over: my blog and more!

Wow! I had to delete all of my former blog postings because so much of it is no longer relevant. I am almost through with my WINTER quarter at Washington State Community College and will finish in the spring. Graduation...scary thought, but exciting! Also, the young man that I had previously written about who was so important to me has now transitioned his way out of my home, but not out of my life. In October our relationship changed from a romantic one to a platonic one. We remain friends and I find myself more of an older brother or father figure to him now. When he moved into his own place early in January I sent him forth, wishing him happiness, love, and wonder throughout his life!

On a more current note... I have met an amazing man. We have been dating for several weeks now and he is beyond wonderful. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he makes me think, he makes me happy. (thanks and ummmmmmmmas to him). More about life, and about him, later. For now, homework and income tax returns are calling my name. (OH, the above picture was taken last Thursday after one of our wonderful Evergreen Arts and Humanities events, the Thoissane Dance Troupe performance, standing in the window of the soundroom in Graham Auditorium.)