Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well, Chintu FINALLY made it home! Yesterday at about 5:55 p.m. I was standing with bated breath, waiting to see Chintu appear in the distance, beyond the security gate...and about 6:15 he finally made his grand entrance. There was no way I could control the smile that transformed my face when I saw him. He looked (as always) so handsome and, trying to control the school-girl feelings I was experiencing, I almost ran to meet him, handed him the single red rose I purchased at the airport for him, took him in my arms and we kissed. I didn't care who saw or who might have been offended, it had been one day short of five weeks since our lips had met and I had to experience that sweet sensation.

When we arrived home (thanks to a little help from a 'love angel') he walked into our home to be greeted by strains of Norah Jones' voice, a vase filled with a dozen red roses, a bottle of champagne in the ice bucket, smoking incense, 40 burning candles, and a crock pot with a nice beef roast smothered in potatoes, onions, and carrots.

We decided to take some photos of his roses...

Peace and love to all who read....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chintu is "almost home"

It's a beautiful sunny Thursday afternoon....I'm really wishing I was outside somewhere, preferably by the water, or with my hands in the dirt! But, I'm very encouraged, very excited, very happy....Chintu landed in San Francisco yesterday afternoon, and in Seattle last evening. He will leave Seattle on Saturday and arrive in Columbus at approximately 6:09 p.m. That means that hopefully by 8:30 he and I will be home, together, again, finally! Yay! Here is a WONDERFUL picture that Chintu's dad took of him the day he was to leave India. Just look at all that classic handsomeness!!!

Peace and love to all who read...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Methinks spring has finally sprung...

I just realized how long it's been since I rambled here...after reading Namaste'. The word from Chintu in India is all good, he's burning up, but doing well, loving life and being with his family...but missing his beloved tremendously, much to my satisfaction. He arrives home next Saturday, the 19th, and I am most extremely anxious for the moment I see him coming through the airport.
Here are a couple of pictures of some of his babies in the flowerbed outside our home,
and one of a springtime favorite of mine...forsythia...this is one I spotted in downtown Athens earlier today.
The cherry trees are near the Convo here in Athens..
.always a local spring attraction....I wish Chintu was here today - we'd go stroll beside them...

Peace, and love, much love, to all who read...