Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well, Chintu FINALLY made it home! Yesterday at about 5:55 p.m. I was standing with bated breath, waiting to see Chintu appear in the distance, beyond the security gate...and about 6:15 he finally made his grand entrance. There was no way I could control the smile that transformed my face when I saw him. He looked (as always) so handsome and, trying to control the school-girl feelings I was experiencing, I almost ran to meet him, handed him the single red rose I purchased at the airport for him, took him in my arms and we kissed. I didn't care who saw or who might have been offended, it had been one day short of five weeks since our lips had met and I had to experience that sweet sensation.

When we arrived home (thanks to a little help from a 'love angel') he walked into our home to be greeted by strains of Norah Jones' voice, a vase filled with a dozen red roses, a bottle of champagne in the ice bucket, smoking incense, 40 burning candles, and a crock pot with a nice beef roast smothered in potatoes, onions, and carrots.

We decided to take some photos of his roses...

Peace and love to all who read....

1 comment:

Tanya said...

You'z such a romantic, Millard...What a luvly way of welcoming him home!! Can't wait to see him (and you) and give him a farm hug...T.