Saturday, February 02, 2008

A great birthday

Well, I made it to 47 years old.
To some people, that is really old.
To others, it is kind of young.
To me, being here....I don't feel any differently, basically, than I have over the last few years. My birthday was spent doing not much of anything til mid afternoon...then, after cutting my hair, a habit I have...hehehe....Chintu and I met our friend, Kathy, for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants ever...Tampico (2nd Street, Marietta).
Then it was off to Washington State for the Evergreen Arts and Humanities Series presentation of Ragamala ( It was awesome. Yes, some of the dances (one in particular) were very long. But the artistic ability of the performers was splendid. Chintu observed that he had seen better in India, but that makes perfect sense, right?
After the presentation, we learned that two of the three performers were sisters, one of which was born in Chintu's home state of Kerala. The other sister was born in his neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, where Ragamala's dance form, Bharatanatyam, originated. The third performer was actually Jewish/Cuban. It was funny because Chintu and Kathy thought she looked Jewish and I thought she looked Hispanic. So, I guess we were all right. Here are some pictures from dinner...

and one of the performers, borrowed from their promo material.

Namaste, and fun to all who read! (Oh, by the way, Dewg is adjusting nicely to his new home and owner!)

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